Campfire Themed Bingo Hall & Great Hamantaschen Bake-Off
March 15 @ 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Campfire Themed Bingo Hall
Following the World Premiere of “Mordechai – Such A Guy!”, we will continue exacting revenge at the after-party where you’ll find the Social Hall transformed into a campfire themed Bingo Hall. $10 buy-in gets you 1 bingo card (you can always increase your odds!), hot cocoa, bug juice (spiked and not), smores, gorp, door prizes, and so much more! Be sure to wear your favorite camping attire!
You may buy bingo cards at the door or pre-pay when you register online.
The Bingo Hall is open to campers of all ages (under 18 must be accompanied by an adult or attend as part of DRTY).
Please register by clicking on the button below, even if you choose not to buy-in for bingo cards (you’re still encouraged to attend). Questions? Please contact the CBH office at
Attention CBH bakers! Put on your aprons and get ready for our 2nd Annual Great Hamantaschen Bake-Off!
Whip up a batch of three-cornered delights to tickle the taste buds of our judges, and you might just find yourself the proud bearer of a coveted CBH Golden Spatula award. Go bold with an exotic new flavor or lock it in with a tried-and-true family recipe, either way, we want your culinary curiosity and creativity to take center stage!
The contest will take place in the Bingo Hall (CBH Social Hall) following the spiel on Saturday, March 15th. All ages are welcome to participate. To enter, please submit the form below. Please bake a minimum of 2 dozen hamantaschen for judges and audience members to sample. Please include a written ingredient list when presenting your entry at the Bingo Hall.
Advance registration required for Bake-Off participation. Registration closes on Wednesday, March 12th. Please click on the button below to register.
Campfire Themed Bingo Hall
Following the World Premiere of “Mordechai – Such A Guy!”, we will continue exacting revenge at the after-party where you’ll find the Social Hall transformed into a campfire themed Bingo Hall. $10 buy-in gets you 1 bingo card (you can always increase your odds!), hot cocoa, bug juice (spiked and not), smores, gorp, door prizes, and so much more! Be sure to wear your favorite camping attire!
You may buy bingo cards at the door or pre-pay when you register online.
The Bingo Hall is open to campers of all ages (under 18 must be accompanied by an adult or attend as part of DRTY).
Please register by clicking on the button below, even if you choose not to buy-in for bingo cards (you’re still encouraged to attend). Questions? Please contact the CBH office at
REGISTER FOR BINGO HALL2nd Annual Great Hamantaschen Bake-Off!
Attention CBH bakers! Put on your aprons and get ready for our 2nd Annual Great Hamantaschen Bake-Off!
Whip up a batch of three-cornered delights to tickle the taste buds of our judges, and you might just find yourself the proud bearer of a coveted CBH Golden Spatula award. Go bold with an exotic new flavor or lock it in with a tried-and-true family recipe, either way, we want your culinary curiosity and creativity to take center stage!
The contest will take place in the Bingo Hall (CBH Social Hall) following the spiel on Saturday, March 15th. All ages are welcome to participate. To enter, please submit the form below. Please bake a minimum of 2 dozen hamantaschen for judges and audience members to sample. Please include a written ingredient list when presenting your entry at the Bingo Hall.
Advance registration required for Bake-Off participation. Registration closes on Wednesday, March 12th. Please click on the button below to register.
Questions? Contact Liz at
Davis, CA 95616 United States + Google Map
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