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Bet Haverim offers a wealth of activities for our congregation.

Annual Donor Recognition

Contact: Jodi Liederman

Caregivers Support Group

Contact: Rebecca Ray, Community Social Worker (916) 205-0688

Community Passover Seder

Contact: Office


Contact: Office

Family First Friday Shabbat

Contact: Ardyth Sokoler

Heart and Spirit Chant Circle

Contact: Hallie Morrow

Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter

Contact: Shoshana Zatz

Israeli Dancing

Contact: Meryl Rappaport

Men’s Club

Contact: Steve Cohen

Mindful Moment Meditation Group

Contact: Rabbi Seth Castleman

Mitzvah Meals

Contact: Stephanie Moss



Rosh Chodesh Group

Contact: Shmuel Nightingale

Shabbat Safari Guide


Shabbat Songleaders

Contact: Sarah Pattison

Spring Celebration & Annual Fundraiser

Contact: Jodi Liederman

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As the center of Jewish community life in Davis and the surrounding area, we are committed to building a community which meets the educational, spiritual and social needs of people in all stages of life.

© 2023 Congregation Bet Haverim

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