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Kabbalat Shabbat with Hazzan Shayndel Adler-Eldridge.
July 10 Sam Alhadeff, grandfather of Eric Crane Bernard Diamant, father of Jonathan Diamant Ann Konigsberg, mother of Gail Klein
July 11 Stan Diamond, father of Marcia Gollober
July 13 Hannah Melamud Engel, mother of Dalia Frank; grandmother of Rochelle Frank
July 14 Blanka Mohtes, mother of Marsha Mohtes-Chan
July 15 Dick Shearly, father of Carol Shearly
TORAH PORTION Parashat Pinchas / פרשת פינחס Triennial Year 1 11 Jul 2020 Numbers 25:10 – 26:51
An event every week that begins at 9:00 am on Saturday, repeating indefinitely
An event every week that begins at 10:00 am on Saturday, repeating indefinitely
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Kabbalat Shabbat with Hazzan Shayndel Adler-Eldridge.
July 10
Sam Alhadeff, grandfather of Eric Crane
Bernard Diamant, father of Jonathan Diamant
Ann Konigsberg, mother of Gail Klein
July 11
Stan Diamond, father of Marcia Gollober
July 13
Hannah Melamud Engel, mother of Dalia Frank; grandmother of Rochelle Frank
July 14
Blanka Mohtes, mother of Marsha Mohtes-Chan
July 15
Dick Shearly, father of Carol Shearly
Parashat Pinchas / פרשת פינחס
Triennial Year 1
11 Jul 2020
Numbers 25:10 – 26:51
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