The Rosh Chodesh Circle begins! Participate in the development of a group you would like to spend time with. A group fostering friendship in a female, Jewish context, including havaurah, and the exploration of topics the group finds fascinating. For those seeking deeper support in the Jewish community and the exploration and study of spirituality, aspects of womanhood or gender intersections, camping, knitting, bird watching, fog horn recognition tests, Scrabble in Hebrew (jk), singing, dancing… And by this we mean, whatever we decide we want to do, to enrich and lighten our days, statistically increasing our smile-to-frown ratio. The foundational core is to create an intimate group that is committed to coming to the meetings—to keep the bonds growing (this does not exclude people who get sick or miss meetings for reasons other than disinterest)—of people who want to grow, kvetch (without committing lashon hara), explore intellectually, feel a greater sense of belonging, knowledge of self and other— and to have fun! Oh, and eat.
We will meet once per month, either at someone’s house, or the Synagogue on a Sunday evening. The first meeting will be Sunday, January 22 in the Bet Haverim Social Hall at 7pm until 8:30 (or when the first person falls off their chair from exhaustion).
Rosh Chodesh groups are a deep part of Jewish Women’s tradition. As the times change, so do the needs and interests of such groups. However, as Jews, we may change the bath water, but we do not throw out our ties to our ancestors and ancient moon cycle traditions. We hope to add to them.
The Rosh Chodesh Circle begins! Participate in the development of a group you would like to spend time with. A group fostering friendship in a female, Jewish context, including havaurah, and the exploration of topics the group finds fascinating. For those seeking deeper support in the Jewish community and the exploration and study of spirituality, aspects of womanhood or gender intersections, camping, knitting, bird watching, fog horn recognition tests, Scrabble in Hebrew (jk), singing, dancing… And by this we mean, whatever we decide we want to do, to enrich and lighten our days, statistically increasing our smile-to-frown ratio. The foundational core is to create an intimate group that is committed to coming to the meetings—to keep the bonds growing (this does not exclude people who get sick or miss meetings for reasons other than disinterest)—of people who want to grow, kvetch (without committing lashon hara), explore intellectually, feel a greater sense of belonging, knowledge of self and other— and to have fun! Oh, and eat.
We will meet once per month, either at someone’s house, or the Synagogue on a Sunday evening. The first meeting will be Sunday, January 22 in the Bet Haverim Social Hall at 7pm until 8:30 (or when the first person falls off their chair from exhaustion).
Rosh Chodesh groups are a deep part of Jewish Women’s tradition. As the times change, so do the needs and interests of such groups. However, as Jews, we may change the bath water, but we do not throw out our ties to our ancestors and ancient moon cycle traditions. We hope to add to them.
Calendar of Meetings
Davis, CA 95616 United States
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