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9:00 am
10:00 am
[streaming] Ruach Shabbat Mussar & Meditation Service
Service lead by Rabbi Greg Wolfe and Student Rabbi Deni Marshall. Explore the wisdom of Mussar practice at a Mussar & Meditation Ruach Shabbat experience. We open our hearts and spirits through chant and silence, and explore Jewish teachings around the middot, spiritual qualities. On this Shabbat, we will explore the middah of Achyrayut, responsibility, […]
Find out more »7:30 pm
Selichot: Celebrating and Welcoming Diversity Through a Jewish Lens
Every year, on the last (or penultimate!) Saturday of the Hebrew month of Elul, just before the New Year begins, Jews around the world gather for a night of study and special services called selichot, a collection of penitential prayers, to help us prepare for the upcoming Holy Days. The moment is ripe with possibility and hope […]
Find out more »9:00 pm
Selichot Service
Led by Rabbi Greg Wolfe. Jews around the world gather for a night of study and special services called selichot, a collection of penitential prayers, to help us prepare for the upcoming Holy Days. The moment is ripe with possibility and hope to stimulate our own personal reflections for change and growth as we continue our journeys […]
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