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9:00 am
10:00 am
Shabbat Morning Service
Lead by Rabbi Greg Wolfe. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masked. To learn more about this week's Torah portion, please visit www.reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study. CBH follows the Triennial Year 2 cycle of Torah readings, which can be found by clicking on the correct parashah at this […]
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Return, Reconnect, Renew
Join Rabbi Greg and your CBH friends for an afternoon of stories and sharing in small groups outside in our beautiful Redwood Grove. Return to our welcoming campus to Reconnect with your friends and make new ones to Renew yourself in the new year with an opportunity to safely socialize together, exercise your creativity and prioritize your hopes and dreams as we embrace 5782 with energy and […]
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