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9:00 am
Torah Study
TORAH PORTION Vayikra / וַיִּקְרָא Triennial Year 3, Leviticus 4:27 - 5:26 YAHRZEITS March 15 Solomon Halpern, father of Roni White Alice Suran, sister of Jerome Suran March 16 Isaac Mischkinsky, father of Jeff Mischkinsky Madolyn Smith, grandmother of Robert Smith
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Shabbat Morning Service
Lead by Rabbi Greg Wolfe. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; all who attend on campus must be vaccinated and masked. To sign-up to read or chant Torah, please click here. TORAH PORTION Vayikra / וַיִּקְרָא Triennial Year 3, Leviticus 4:27 - 5:26 YAHRZEITS March 15 Solomon Halpern, father of Roni White Alice Suran, sister […]
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Partner Progressive Purim Party
It's our Partner Porch/Patio Purim Progressive Party! Sign up for a progressive party loop in South, West, or North Davis, or Woodland! Progress from patio to porch of your Partner-hosts' palaces. Enjoy an evening of small bites and big beverages (to celebrate Purim) in outdoor settings. All loops are walkable. Addresses and additional details will […]
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