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All Day
9:00 am
Exploring Judaism
This class is intended for people of all backgrounds (Jewish and otherwise) who wish to take a deep dive into the foundations of Jewish faith and history. All 60-minute classes are taught by a rabbi and take place on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 AM in the CBH Social Hall. This course also serves as a […]
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10:00 am
Festive Megillah Reading
Come one, come all to hear Megillat Esther (the Scroll of Esther) read! This age-old tradition will be made new again as we hear the scroll in both Hebrew and English. Bring your booing voice to drown out the name of Haman (BOOOO!) and costumes are HIGHLY encouraged! Please wear a hat or costume and […]
Find out more »Mazel Tots Costume Party
Join the MAZEL TOTS! community in the Redwood Grove at Congregation Bet Haverim to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Purim! We'll dance and sing with Karen Crane of Music Together of Davis and Rabbi Bess Wohlner. We'll top it off by participating in a lively costume parade as we lovingly march through the megillah reading taking place at […]
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