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9:00 am
Exploring Judaism
This class is intended for people of all backgrounds (Jewish and otherwise) who wish to take a deep dive into the foundations of Jewish faith and history. All 60-minute classes are taught by a rabbi and take place on Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 AM in the CBH Social Hall. This course also serves as a […]
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10:00 am
Mazel Tots! Pre-Passover Playdate
Calling all families with littles! Join the MAZEL TOTS! community at 10:00am on Sunday, April 21 to prepare your little ones for Pesach (Passover) through music and crafts. We'll sing, we'll dance, we'll share melodies you can use at your upcoming seders. Following our singing session in the sanctuary, we'll head to the fenced play […]
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