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10:00 am
Coffee + Conversation in the Sukkah
Join Rabbis Simons and Wohlner in the Sukkah for an hour of informal conversation. We provide the bagels, coffee, and tea–you provide the conversation! All are welcome to bring treats to share if you wish. No RSVP necessary, just show up!
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Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to […]
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