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Mazel Tots!

What is Mazel Tots?

Mazel Tov” is what we say in Hebrew to mean “congratulations!” Many synagogues refer to their young family communities as “Tot Shabbat.” We wanted a name that encapsulates what we dream this community will be: one of families in a similar stage in life that will share our joys and “oys!” with each other. And we thought it was cute! 

MAZEL TOTS! is an opportunity to celebrate the rhythm of the Jewish calendar with our youngest ones, to teach them to love Judaism, and to help them know the synagogue as a second home.

Our hope is to create a place/space where families can just show up without having to do anything in advance. You are carrying enough. See below if you would like to help!

What can I expect at a MAZEL TOTS! event?

Singing and fun, taking advantage of our little ones’ boundless wiggles.

Jewish and/or Holiday related activities/crafts.

A place where children can make noise and be themselves (and you too!).

We want this to be a community co-created by those involved. Email Rabbi Jeremy Simons to get started!

Activities focus on the 0-6+ crowd, but all are welcome!
*Please contact the rabbi if the fee for dinner is out of reach.


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