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Lifecycle Events

Bet Haverim celebrates lifecycle events throughout the year.

Bris and Baby Namings

We are happy to rent rooms, suggest officiants, and otherwise assist with welcoming a new member of your family. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy Simons for more information.

Bet Mitzvah

After studying in our Religious and Hebrew Schools, or parallel education from other sources, people young or old are prepared for this step. To learn a little about preparation, please follow this link.


We would love to be part of your family’s love story. Please contact Rabbi Simons for more information. You can learn more about the practices and planning for a Jewish wedding here.


There are several ways we can help you mark a significant event, honor and celebrate gladness and joy, or remember your loved ones. Please follow this link if you would like to donate a siddur with a dedication.


The death of a loved one is difficult and we want to support them and you as the transition occurs. Please contact Rabbi Jeremy Simons for assistance. Here is an article with links to more information about the customs and functions of a Jewish funeral.

Or Hazikaron Yizkor Wall

Remembering and honoring loved ones in our Sanctuary, by the “Light of Remembrance.” We add names to the Wall twice a year, during the winter and summer, so that they can be in place for our Yizkor services at Yom Kippur and Passover. 

Yahrzeits of Your Beloved

Help us remind you of the dates on which you would like to remember the light they brought into your life.

New to Congregation Bet Haverim?

As the center of Jewish community life in Davis and the surrounding area, we are committed to building a community which meets the educational, spiritual and social needs of people in all stages of life.

© 2023 Congregation Bet Haverim

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