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Shabbat Services

Join us for warm, inclusive and participatory Shabbat services on Friday evenings and Saturday mornings. 


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At the end of the week, we pause our busy lives to create sacred time and spiritual connections. Come sing, pray, learn, and be inspired while gathering strength from our community. Non-members are always welcome!

CBH offers Shabbat Services and Torah study every week, including Kabbalat Shabbat, family-friendly services, song leaders services, chanting, Onegs, and more. Below are brief descriptions of our different services. The wide variety of worship options reflects the diversity of our congregation and ensures that you will find at least one Shabbat service that speaks to you.

The Shabbat services will be led by Rabbi Jeremy Simons.

Friday Evening Services

First Friday of the month at 6:00 p.m.

The Family Shabbat service is tailored for families with school-age children. Family Shabbat (aka F3 Shabbat) features youth-oriented music accompanied by guitar with most prayers sung by all. The rabbi gives a short talk especially suited for children. Led by the rabbi and Dan Tennenbaum.

Second Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Kabbalat Shabbat services are led by the rabbi. We welcome the harmony, beauty, and peace of Shabbat with an uplifting, joyful blend of engaging prayers. Traditional liturgy is woven together with newer melodies to enliven our Shabbat experience. All Hebrew is transliterated so that everyone can follow along and participate in the prayers. We often have guest speakers on themes of social justice. Shabbat seekers of all ages are welcome to attend: children, students, families, elders, and anyone interested in a musical and spiritual evening.

Third Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

Kabbalat Shabbat services offer an opportunity to begin Shabbat and the weekend with warmth, friendship, and a letting go of weekday responsibilities. Most prayers are sung together by the congregation. The rabbi offers meaningful words, often related to the week’s Torah portion. Music provided by Bob Smith.

                                                                                     4th Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

The Songleaders Shabbat service begins at 6:30 p.m. Lively melodies are accompanied by guitar and other instruments; rhythm instruments are provided for those who wish to join in the music-making. Newcomers are welcome to rehearse with the Song Leaders. Contact CBH Partner for more information.

5th Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m.

When there is a fifth Friday in the month a rabbi will surprise us with a special service.

All Friday night services conclude with a lively Oneg social gathering held in the Social Hall. To host an Oneg, please sign up. You may wish to do so in honor or in memory of a loved one, or a special simcha in your life.

Saturday Morning Services

Services begin at 10:00 a.m. (preceded by Torah Study at 9:00 a.m.). The traditional liturgy, supplemented with spiritual teachings, meditative kavannot (intentions), and communal singing, are intended to open hearts and minds for the wonders of Torah and the special feeling that comes with Shabbat.

The service begins with the introductory prayers and Shaharit, the morning service. These are followed by the rabbi’s comments on the week’s Torah portion, the Torah service, and a brief concluding service. Several times a year, we offer a special contemplative service (see calendar to confirm).

This is a monthly opportunity to experience a more personal relationship with the Divine as you celebrate and observe Shabbat. Learn more about Chanting/Contemplative activities.

Shabbat morning attendees are invited to take as active a part as they wish. Those interested in learning new skills, such as Torah reading, are encouraged. Any mistakes are viewed as the mitzvot of enthusiastic learners! Congregants come for the entire service, or just a portion, depending upon what speaks to them on any given Shabbat. Services typically conclude around 12:15 p.m.

Have You Read or Chanted From Our 50th Anniversary Torah?

Make this the year that you share, recapture, or learn Torah reading or chanting skills at a Shabbat morning service. Not only will you feel personally fulfilled, but you will be performing a wonderful mitzvah for your CBH community!  Visit our sign-up page to reserve a passage in a coming morning Shabbat service.

Interested to look ahead to a special date to commemorate a special simcha or anniversary? Need assistance preparing to read or chant? Please contact Rabbi Simons for a referral to CBH partners with guidance to offer!

All of the major Jewish holidays are celebrated here at Bet Haverim. Check the Calendar of Events and our High Holidays page for more information.

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