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2nd Night Community Seder
Sunday, April 13 | 5:00pm | Social Hall

Join our community as we mark the journey from bondage to freedom with an all-ages seder, with songs and storytelling. Bring your family, your friends, or just yourself!

We’ll provide everything but the dessert (this is a catered meal and we’re even throwing in the wine and juice!). Please provide a card with the name of your Kosher-for-Passover dessert contribution and all included ingredients. 

Returning this year is a dedicated kids’ corner with crafts and activities for shorter attention spans!  

$30 per person for CBH Partners
$45 per person for Non-CBH Partners
Children 12 and under are free!
RSVP by submitting the form below by 5pm on Thursday, April 4th to reserve your spot!

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