November 2024
F3 Shabbat Service
Please join us for our Family Shabbat Service followed by a pizza dinner in the Social Hall. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service and Bar Mitzvah of Shay Fryday
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service and Bat Mitzvah of Sydney Schapira
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Combating Antisemitism Program
Join us in the Sanctuary for a one-hour program about Antisemitism in our Davis community, in our schools, and on our UC Davis campus. The program will be presented by Dan Ovadya of the CBH Countering Antisemitism Committee. Please RSVP here by 3:00pm Friday, November 8th if you are planning on attending. You may also attend virtually via Zoom. The link will be sent out upon registration.
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »New Partner Shabbat
Help us welcome new partners that have joined CBH in the past year! Please join us for a Special Oneg in honor of our new partners. The Oneg will feature catered finger-foods with a dessert buffet sponsored by the Partnership Committee. Donations from our long-time partners to cover the catering costs to make this event special are greatly appreciated. Feel free to BYOB. RSVP is appreciated. To RSVP and/or donate, please click on the button below. RSVP Here
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Songleaders Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »December 2024
Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »F3 Shabbat Service
Please join us for our Family Shabbat Service followed by a pizza dinner in the Social Hall. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Social Media, Conspiracy Theories, and Generational Antisemitism
The Countering Antisemitism Committee presents a program on Social Media, Conspiracy Theories, and Generational Antisemitism based on ADL Center for Antisemitism Research 2024. Join us in person in the Sanctuary or via Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to attendees a few days before the event, but you must register by 3:00pm December 13th to receive the link. For more information please contact Harriet Gadisman at hgadisman@yahoo.com. RSVP HERE
Find out more »Heart and Spirit Chant Circle
Please join us in person or via Zoom as we offer chant practices to counteract the darkness and bring light and hope into our lives. All are welcome! You do not need to be a singer to reap the benefits of chanting. If you haven’t tried it, we hope you will give it a chance to touch your heart and your soul. Vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. Click here to join via Zoom. If you have any questions…
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Songleaders Chanukkah Shabbat
Join the Songleaders for some Chanukkah joy on Friday, December 27, 2024, at 6:30 pm. We are welcoming guest musicians on piano and bass guitar, along with our veterans on violin, percussion and vocals. Featuring holiday music from Julie Silver, Peter Yarrow and "traditional." Followed by a festive oneg featuring classic holiday donuts. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »January 2025
Artist-in-Residence Kabbalat Shabbat Service & Community Potluck
Artist-in-Residence Weekend with poet Debby Bacharach! Kabbalat Shabbat Services | 6:00pm | Sanctuary and Zoom This reflective service will incorporate poetry to deepen our connection to prayer and will also will invite the pray-er to explore Jewish liturgy through writing. All are invited to participate however feels comfortable. Community Potluck Shabbat Dinner | 7:30pm | Social Hall Join us following services for a laid-back vegetarian potluck dinner. Drop-off your dish in the social hall before services. Sign-up to let us…
Find out more »Torah Study Through Poetry
Together, with poet Debby Bacharach, we will explore the Torah portion, Vayigash, by using poetry connected to the themes found in our sacred text. No preparation needed. Just bring yourself and your curious mind. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Countering Antisemitism While Fostering Unity in View of Differing Perspectives of Israel
What can we, as Jews in Davis, do to counteract antisemitism in our community while fostering unity among ourselves, particularly in the face of differing perspectives on Israel? This 1-hour panel discussion, moderated by Orit Kalman, will feature Orit Izilov, Leah Hibel, Naomi Rubin, and Sarah Pattison. Click here to RSVP by 2:00pm Friday, January 10th if you are planning on attending in person or online. A Zoom link will be emailed to you before the event. For more information please…
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Songleaders Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Heart and Spirit Chant Circle
Please join us in person in the Sanctuary or via Zoom as we offer chant practices to counteract the darkness and bring light and hope into our lives. All are welcome! You do not need to be a singer to reap the benefits of chanting. If you haven’t tried it, we hope you will give it a chance to touch your heart and your soul. Vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. Click here to join via Zoom. Questions? Please…
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Fifth Friday Shabbat
When there is a fifth Friday in the month a rabbi will surprise us with a special service. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »February 2025
Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »F3 Shabbat Service
Please join us for our Family Shabbat Service followed by a pizza dinner in the Social Hall. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service and Bar Mitzvah of Matias Gallardo-Dujovne
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Repro Shabbat
Join us for Repro Shabbat in the Sanctuary with CBH Partner Lauren Salmo. Reproductive freedom is a Jewish value. National Council of Jewish Women hosts Repro Shabbat annually on the Shabbat when we read Parshat Mishpatim, which contains the verses commonly used as the foundation of Judaism’s approach to reproductive health, rights, and justice. Join in person or via Zoom. Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Songleaders Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »March 2025
Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »F3 Shabbat Service
Please join us for our Family Shabbat Service followed by a pizza dinner in the Social Hall. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Learners’ Shabbat
An Invitation from the CBH Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee. Please join us for a special Learners’ Shabbat on Friday, March 14 at 6:30pm. This will be a regular Friday night Shabbat service led by Rabbi Jeremy Simons where we can learn more about the prayers, rituals, and customs associated with Shabbat services. Our Learners’ Shabbat is designed for those who attend Shabbat services regularly as well as those who have never been to one. This event is for…
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Purim Spiel
Join us in the Sanctuary or by Zoom to celebrate Purim 5785 at Congregation Bet Haverim with the world premiere of “MORDECHAI – SUCH A GUY!” a musical Purimspiel from the creative team that brought you “Queen Vashti’s Revenge” and “Shalom Y’All”. In this all new historically inaccurate version of the Book of Esther, a young woman survives the protective custody of her possessive Uncle Mordechai, a marriage proposal from King Ahashueras, and a life altering encounter with an angel in order…
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Kabbalat Shabbat Service
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Mindful Moment Meditation
An interfaith mindfulness meditation group rooted in the teachings of wisdom and compassion! Join us in the Sanctuary or join us on Zoom! Vaccinations required. Masks optional. To join by Zoom, click below: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87098493125?pwd=MkQ5Uy9rRG9rYzh6OVJ2TDErbkVlUT09 Alternatively, call in by phone: (669) 900-6833 Meeting ID: 870 9849 3125 Passcode: 182624 If you have questions on how to download or use zoom, please contact fellow group member Sangye Hawke, (831) 345-2004, shawke@ses.sksm.edu. Here are two ways to make a donation in support of the teachings…
Find out more »Songleaders Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat with a Rabbi. Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary; vaccination is recommended and masks are optional. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Torah Study
Whether you’ve been studying Torah for decades, have been thinking about it for decades, or if you just wake up thinking “it’s a beautiful day for a Torah study”–join us! No experience necessary! No preparation needed! No RSVP, just come! Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »Shabbat Morning Service
Participate on Zoom or in the Sanctuary. The Zoom information is available on our Partners-only page. TORAH PORTION https://reformjudaism.org/learning/torah-study https://www.hebcal.com/sedrot/
Find out more »